For the last year, I’ve used as an outlet for my writing and as a platform to help establish my name as I strive to become a published author. But, I recently decided that the website’s primary purpose as an outlet for my writing is due to change.

I’ve grown bored and tired of writing for for the sole sake of writing. As much as I love to write, writing without some greater purpose or intent is not true to who I am.

Who I am is a guy who wants to help people realize and unleash their unlimited potential. I want to help others. And writing is simply one mode of communication to help achieve that passion of mine. is changing. The new and improved website is much less about me (thank God) and much more about you, the reader. I call this relaunch “Renegadeism.”

A Change in Direction

I officially launched in June 2009, and since that date it has changed dramatically. I first used the website to forge my place on the Internet; that job has been completed. I have a nice following on Twitter, Facebook pages and a decent readership on my websites. But beyond that, something just seemed to be lacking.

I came to realize over the last few weeks that my pursuit of a publishing contract for THE QUIET LEADER has been distracting me from my primary purpose in life, and that’s reaching out to, connecting with, and inspiring people. I’ll still be pursuing that goal, but it cannot be the be-all, end-all of my daily affairs. Well, working just for the sake of doing something for myself is not very fulfilling.

What it means to be a Renegade

When I launched, I tagged myself as The Renegade of Written Word, a tongue-in-cheek slogan (referencing my want to be badass) and a reminder that my writing should be bold, ambitious and strive to defy conventional thinking. But being a so-called “Renegade” would soon come to take real meaning:

As more and more time has gone on, more and more people have laughed off my ambitions and told me that my book would never sell in today’s market and that the title wasn’t “sexy” enough. As more time has gone on, I’ve come across those who look down upon the ideals I hold and write about, like the inherent goodness of people, the power of positive thinking, the importance of following one’s heart over one’s head, and that anyone can become a real and influential leader — regardless of socioeconomic standing.

To believe what you and me believe, it’s as if you’d have to be a… well, an actual “Renegade.”

And frankly, that’s bullshit. It shouldn’t take being a Renegade to believe in something bigger than ourselves. Look at our world and look at the division and troubles of our country; if anything, we need more people (especially young Americans) to embrace being a Renegade — thinking outside the box, believing in others, and striving for ideals that other generations have cynically left by the wayside. That’s what I believe. And I know I’m not the only one; that’s where you come in.

Welcome to “Renegadeism”

Renegadeism is about believing in something bigger than ourselves; believing in the goodness of people; believing that we can forge a new sense of leadership, responsibility, and progress for our country and all those around us. Generation Y is on the brink of inheriting this world and what we’re about to inherit is… less than ideal. Our day is on the horizon. It’s up to us to force the issue of changing the status quo. If the generation that brought us to this lack-luster point doesn’t like it, well, too bad.

Being a “Renegade” in the 21st century isn’t about being a lawbreaker, turncoat, betrayer, defector, or deserter in the conventional sense of the word. Renegadeism is about breaking and defying traditional methods of leadership and modes of thinking that are antiquated, regressive and backwards. Renegadeism is about creating inclusion rather than exclusion, open discussion rather than back door dealings. Being a Renegade is about believing and being the change we wish to see in the world — a world that we are about to inherit as our sole responsibility.

Join the Ranks of the Renegades

Today, to believe, it’s as if you have to be a Renegade.

It shouldn’t have to be so. But, if we wish to change the meaning of leadership from corruption and scandal to integrity and progress; if we wish to alter the linear and rigid nature of conventional thinking to one of inclusiveness and innovation; if we wish to change the status quo and forge a better tomorrow; we’ll need to embrace this attitude of Renegadeism… and force the issue. And, we need each other to do it.

Soon, I will be implementing some form of “sign up” feature, whether through social networking tools on, an email newsletter signup, or something of the sort. In the mean time, Follow me on Twitter and Become a Facebook Fan to keep up with the updates and join the Ranks of the Renegades.

Give me your feedback

What are your thoughts on the new and improved What do you think and feel about Renegadeism? Questions? Concerns? I hope you’re looking forward to the website’s new structure and purpose as much as I am.