How do we lead in our everyday lives?

My first book, Lead Without Followers: How to Save Our World by Radically Redefining the Meaning of Leadership, was the presentation of an idea.

A seemingly backwards one.

One with a huge scope, and enormous vision.

That idea? That it’s not only possible to be a leader without followers — whoever you are and whatever you do, in any walk of life — but further, that redefining leadership in such a radical way can help correct the course of a nation that’s lost it’s way, and save our entire world.

…I did say “enormous” vision. :)

Of all the feedback I received about my first publication, I loved engaging with readers like you who were hungry for more. 

What I’ve discovered is that you want a “How-To” resource, something like a guide filled with practical tools, “next step” methods and practices on the ways in which you can cultivate leadership within yourself, every day.

I want to help you exercise your own leadership on a deeply personal level so that you can practice it outwardly in whatever ways you choose, on a much bigger level throughout your life.


And so, a new project is born.

My latest idea-in-the-works is entitled The Unleader Handbook and my goal is for this project to serve as that practical “how-to” resource and guide that many readers wanted for living leadership in your life, every day.

That’s why I’m collecting 100 of your toughest questions on leadingquiet leadership, leading without followers, leading from love, being an outright unleader with edge and heart that shakes the status quo — and answering them in The Unleader Handbook. 

Let’s think about it like this.

Lead Without Followers defined Why we need to rethink the meaning of leadership — with a light, human foundation for How you can begin to do it.

The Unleader Handbook is much more How… to the tune of 100 of your best, toughest, biggest questions about what it really means to be a leader without followers in your life and in our world.

I should say, I’m really not considering this to be the sequel to Lead Without Followers. Or, even thinking of it as “my next book.” The Unleader Handbook is simply a fun project — one of many floating in my head right now! — and one that is a direct response to what you have been telling me that you’re clamoring for.

I want to deliver that resource for you.

But I’m going to need a lot of your help to craft it…


Submit Your Question Now

I’m collecting as many questions as I can to create this terrific handbook for you. Will you help me by offering a sharp, specific, personal question that you’ve found yourself asking when you read my writing?

You can send your question(s) through this form, right now:

Need ideas? Here are a few questions that I’ve received already:

  • How can practicing personal leadership be used to resolve a conflict between two people?
  • What’s the fastest and most effective way to develop leadership skills?
  • When do you compromise doing what’s right for what’s practical?

And here are some other suggestions to get your leader-mindedness flowing — go on and use these to spark some questions of your own:

  • How can practicing personal leadership help facilitate new business opportunities for me?
  • I can see two sides to a situation at hand — how should I stand up and speak up, and when should I not get involved?
  • How can I begin to practice personal leadership in 3 steps, today?
  • How does viewing myself through the lens of ‘a leader’ create change for me at my day job?
  • Leading and making money from my passion… how does personal leadership come into play?
  • I’m mentally drained and emotionally confused. How can I even begin to think of myself as a leader in my life? And what good does it actually do for me?

I believe that The Unleader Handbook will function as the unique resource that was so desired by readers of Lead Without Followers, but can also be explored on its own and fully satiate your “calling of the leader within.”

Like a pocket guide, The Unleader Handbook will be something you can flip and thumb through at any given moment for a boost of quick inspiration — when you wish to intentionally move into the loving and giving mind-space of a leader without followers.

From that mind-space, we begin to give in brilliant ways — plotting our love-mischief with God, as Rumi says.

Choice is what predicates awareness. Awareness, understanding, sensing… these all contribute to our feeling: the ability to empathize, to relate to others, to trust ourselves to make good choices. And those feelings are what predicate action.

And the actions, decisions, words, deeds, duties and lives that we live that truly give to others, contribute to their lives and genuinely help people.. that’s leading.

So, will you help me create this resource by shooting a question (or a few!) my way?