My new collection of poetry, God Whispers on the Windis now available on Amazon.

My book was lucky enough to debut at #2 in the Kindle store under the Poetry category and #10 in the Spirituality category! Thank you so much for your awesome support!

I’m truly honored to share my first collection of poetry with you, and today I also wanted to share a few of the powerful life lessons that are laced within the pages of the book.

These seven lessons inspired a lot of my poems in God Whispers. Maybe they will inspire some poetry of your own.

7 Life Lessons that Inspired God Whispers

1. The goal is not about pursuing your passion.

Passion is a conscious, mental indicator of something special, as well as an emotional vehicle through which a individual’s spiritual longing manifests.

Passion is the shooting star we latch upon to cross the barrier of a scary unknown.

Dig that? Click to Tweet it.

The purpose of passion is to bring us to a state of transient connectedness, a feeling of true and deep presence; the wildly unique sensation of being completely “in tune” to the moment — when our minds fall silent, our thinking stops, and we feel Spirit flow through us.

(Find this lesson in my poem, “The Symphony”)

2. Showing up does not ensure success; but it is the most basic prerequisite for it.

Practice your craft every day. My new goal is to write every day for four hours (thanks to Steven Pressfield / The War of Art for this motivation). The quality of the output is less important than consistently showing up.

(Find this lesson in my poem, “You’re Not Here”)

3. What you take will always pale in comparison to what you give.

How can you give beyond your means, even at your inconvenience? Giving is a state of mind, a state of being, not an action; a coin in the bucket. Be the giver, and watch how your world changes around you.

(Find this lesson in my poem, “Demands”)

4. Connection is invaluable, indescribable, irreplaceable.

There is nothing but connection in this life. We are all bound. Connection dawns life, it brings together people, it facilitates innovative ideas. Connection is paramount. Make this a priority in everything that you do.

(Find this lesson in my poem, “Clasped In Prayer”)

5. Assholes need not apply.

Your ego will get sorted in due time.

(Find this lesson in my poem, “A Petty Slave”)

6. The amount of love and support you show your friends far and away exceeds hurtful criticism from others.

That’s easy to say, and easier to take for granted. You literally need to make it a habit — a dedicated personal practice — to voice your love to yours.

This is how love wins out. Its energy endures and lives on in us; in those whom we love. Criticism, hatred, anger, those don’t self-sustain. They fall to the ground without an angry hand propelling its hurdled rocks;  fizzle when a voice isn’t spewing its venom.

Love is effortlessly eternal.

(Find this lesson in my poem, “This Salty Breeze”)

7. Don’t be one of those people you’d hate to meet.

Or speak to. Or hear from. Or deal with. If you’d hate to run into yourself on the street, in the neighborhood pub or coffee shop, at work, over the phone or in a blog comment, what does that say? (Find this lesson in my poem, “Name-Calling”)

Law of attraction people say that we attract what we want.

But wanting implies lacking, and lacking creates distress, desperation. I’m quite sure that we attract who we are, how we behave, and how we give. Consistently. Every day.

So, remember to show up.

Keep going.

And shine on.

P.S. – My friend Chantelle surprised me with this awesome image that has one of my poems, Those Daring Cattle, emblazoned upon it. How cool!

If you like cows (or thinking of yourself as a daring one), I thought you might like it too. ;)