Sarah Kathleen Peck is a multi-talented creative from Brooklyn, New York, who believes in kindness, weirdness, the highest levels of nerdery, movement, freedom, and compassion for others.

The former VP of Product for One Month, a Y-Combinator backed startup that creates accelerated learning programs, is also an open water swimmer, a former collegiate athlete and a designer-entrepreneur. She has been featured on Psychology Today, Fast Company, Life Hacker and 99U, among others.

Originally from the San Francisco area, Sarah is a prolific writer and blogger who’s been sharing insights on psychology and human behavior while exploring intersections of connection, community and loneliness at

Emotions are data, Sarah says, that help inform us in our everyday lives — and in our writing desires.

Sarah preaches on how social media can affect our sense of connection and loneliness, and offers insights on how a creative can make peace with his or her ever-changing nature of work. Finally, Sarah explores the body language of writing and why movement is essential for self-expression.

Why does Sarah believe that writing means “to slow down and see”? What is the discomfort that comes with “pausing”?

The interview free to stream, so tune in to listen below!

Listen: Writing Body Language

As You Listen…

  1. Do you resist or embrace the feelings of “slowing down”? Has life been trying to slow you down?
  2. What is the “bottom of the feeling” that you have been experiencing lately?
  3. How can you embrace simple practices of movement to inspire natural creative self-expression?

Listening Guide

00:55  –  Introducing Sarah Kathleen Peck
03:14  –  Existential crises that writers and creatives encounter
04:37  –  Sarah’s love-hate relationship with social media
07:03  –  “A little bit is a lot.”
11:34  –  How Sarah deals with changing identity: “Who am I if I’m not what I was?”
14:12  –  Moving with the changing seasons
16:32  –  The body language of loneliness and how gender impacts feelings we are culturally allowed to express
23:20  –  Identifying “the bottom of the feeling”
26:30  –  How our physical posture can affect emotion. The body language of work and sitting.
31:54  –  Slow down. “Writing is to see”
35:50  –  Routines that lead to creativity, and patterns that may lead directly to creative flow.
38:45  –  Where to find Sarah’s work online.