“The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.” ~Ferdinand Foch

I want to ignite your spirit.

I write for you with one devout intention: for the story, the tale, the message, the seemingly backwards idea, the lyrical style, the hard-hitting punch of ink, to trigger what already lies within you to awaken.

Whether it’s to awaken for the first time in a long time, or if only to awaken more deeply, I write to inspire, to empower and to provoke the love and you to surge forth with an unremitting force. Undeniably.

I write to create leaders — and to remind you of what leadership really is, and how we can each become one.


Why I Needed to Rewrite My Book’s OWN Description

A couple weeks ago, we talked about spring cleaning for the soul and how I realized my own missteps and shortcomings in the experience of self-publishing my first book, Lead Without Followers: How to Save Our World by Radically Redefining the Meaning of Leadership. 

And what I realized was how the description I wrote of my own book lacked the clarity and detail of what Lead Without Followers actually is.

Understanding this fault, I set off to rewrite my book’s own description to become the best and most accurate reflection of the 18-chapter treatment. And today, I’m excited to announce this three-day promotion where you can download Lead Without Followers for free on Amazon Kindle!

My devout intention is to attract hundreds or thousands of new readers — the right audience for this specific title, idea and book — who can enjoy the book completely for free, and learn lots about leadership.


Why I’m Giving My Book Away for Free for 3 Days (Yes. Get it Now »)

Now, you can get Lead Without Followers for free for only 72 hours — from March 12, 2012 to Mar 14, 2012 — exclusively on Amazon Kindle.

Why the promotion? Well, because I really want you to have my book — of course! But more than that, I want the right readers to have the most clear and intentional understanding of what my book is and why I wrote it. And, if it sounds like my book’s new description really speaks to you, I want you have it — for free.

72 hours. That’s all.

This is your best opportunity to instantly download the full 18-chapter book:

Lead Without Followers is a compelling personal tale and Generation-Y diagnosis of the rampant problems with leadership in today’s world — and how, by redefining leadership on a radical and personal level, we can begin to become part of the solution.

This short, sharp sentence is the new 1-liner for Lead Without Followers. I freshly rewrote every description for the book with the intention is to convey the best, most accurate representation of what the book is, in-full — and all to attract the right readers, and to outright discourage the wrong ones.

Here’s what you need to learn from my rewriting experience: there’s nothing wrong with shooing away the wrong customers. It’s a healthy practice. And, it benefits them: unless your product is a total cash-grab, your marketing and sales pitches need to contain specific language to attract the right folks, and to discourage the wrong ones who do not share the interests of the market you wish to speak to.


Book Description 2.0

What’s in the new description? You can check it out here on my book’s sales page on DaveUrsillo.com, or pop over to get the book on Amazon.com, free for 72 hours! Here’s a short summary of what my new description conveys to readers:

1. This is not a book for everyone.

2. You have to have an interest in leadership, in some capacity — namely, with the condition of political leadership in today’s world.

3. This message comes from a 20-something Generation-Y writer, and thus will naturally resonate most strongly with 20-something Generation-Yers.

4. This book is not a “How-To” become a leader without followers — but Part 2 does, however, lay the most basic and fundamental framework for you to begin to cultivate a very personal source of leadership in your everyday life. The book is a political treatment with an inspired edge, and Part 2 functions as a catalyst of personal growth and discovery from the lens of leadership.

5. I want to challenge your perceptions of what leadership means.

6. I use my own personal story as a vehicle. Rather than trying to sell you on a resume of experience and expertise, I share my story to become the vessel through which you can begin to understand this seemingly backwards concept, and can relate to it better.

7. The world is the goal, but America is the focus. But the America-centric focus is meant to create an inclusive discussion about leadership in our world when set against the problems with American leadership, specifically. Further, I believe that all citizens of the world ought to hold America to the highest standard for its national and global leadership, on behalf of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” for all people.

8. The book centers upon the idea that redefining leadership on an individual level can help us begin to become part of the solution on a national, global and human level. Leadership based in love — selfless giving, compassion, forgiveness, humility, positivity and optimism — is our hope and future.

So, how does that sound? :)

Truth be told, I’m really excited to re-present this book through the lens of a new, fresh description. I really do want everyone to enjoy my book, but with any creative expression or product, it’s simply not a realistic expectation. But what I want far more than that is for the right readers to enjoy my book. And, with this free promotion to coincide with the description rewrites, I hope to do just that. :)

Thank you once again for joining me in another chapter of this incredible learning experience.

Self-publishing my debut title has been a helluva time. I’ve done a lot very well, and done plenty poorly! And harnessing deep introspection on behalf of learning, growth, and offering insight to you is part of what leadership means to me. I love being able to learn from everything and share those lessons with you.

Thanks again for being great.

* PS – Lead Without Followers has already been downloaded over 100 times this morning, before I even announced this promotion to you all. Cool, right?! Hope you’ll download it and enjoy it, too!!

* * PPS – The newly rewritten sales page for the book at https://daveursillo.com/lead-without-followers also contains 18 free intention videos for each chapter of the book, and 18 audio podcast recaps to further explore and explain the ideas in the book — just for you, totally free. Killer stuff! :)