Nacie Carson remembers discussing her book’s first draft with her editor. The editor told her, “Well, I don’t know where to start.” Nacie says, in that moment, her editor wasn’t playing devil’s advocate — “she was the devil!”
The author of The Finch Effect: The Five Strategies to Adapt and Thrive in Your Working Life, talks in this interview about her own relationship to writing and the need for quiet reflection to hear our inner voice.
Nacie tackles “impostor syndrome” which is so prevalent writers, examines where our expectations really come from, and gives advice on how to receive criticism on your writing.
Nacie also gives insights on platform building and strategies for communicating your message.
The interview free to stream, so tune in to listen below!
Listen: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
As You Listen…
- Nacie encourages us to “look at ourselves and think about the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves everyday, and figure out which of them is no longer true.” What stories are you telling yourself? What stories do you want to tell yourself?
- How do you feel when you receive criticism on your writing when it is helpful?
- How confident are you as a writer? How can you increase your confidence and get over any impostor syndrome you have about your writing?
Listening Guide
1:39 – Nacie’s history with writing
9:04 – The importance of disconnecting from the digital to hear our inner voice
18:07 – Are you wrestling with Impostor Syndrome?
24:47 – Basic expectations that we maintain about ourselves as writers
29:55 – On the trouble of receiving criticism on our writing
37:10 – “Start with the end effect in mind” and why you should embrace creative tangents
42:00 – Finding the message that’s calling you, and how to reach out one-by-one
56:11 – On building your writing confidence
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