Hillary Weiss is the chief copywriter ghostwriter and mischief-maker at HillaryWeiss.com who’s helped over 150 brands find their voice and get seen with content that truly speaks their language, and fits their phenomenal work.
Hillary believes that words that lift hearts, ignite minds and get results can do more than just change your business… they can change the world too.
In this interview, Hillary explores the boundaries freelancers must maintain with their clients, including knowing when to say “No” to clients, and how to get better improving your art by incorporating feedback without taking criticism personally.
Hillary says, “We’re taught to be more nervous” as we grow older and continue to develop our writing skills.
Why is constructive feedback always the answer to imrpoving your writing?
Why is self-guilt such a pitfall for creatives, in particular?
The interview free to stream, so tune in to listen below!
Listen: Be Hella Proud of Who You Are
As You Listen…
- Are you guilty of… guilting yourself to death over your writing? Why? Where do those feelings come from?
- What weird, different, unique aspects of your personality are you hiding that you could let shine in your words, work and online presence?
- Reverse engineer “what you’ve had to learn” in your life and/or writing career. What are you able to teach others?
Listening Guide
03:00 – Introducing Hillary Weiss, and how to find your own voice, personality and vibe online
06:00 – How to take criticism and absorb it. Taking your ego out of your work.
10:00 – Dealing with clients who don’t know how to provide constructive feedback
12:00 – Creative work as a side hustle, and how freelancing is often an early evolution in the creative journey
16:00 – How Hillary’s second grade novella started her writing career
21:00 – Stigmas about creatives and writers. Let the parts we like about ourselves shine.
22:30 – “Self-guilt is exhausting.” Avoiding self-punishment and guilt around not producing for your own blog.
25:30 – Hillary’s blog post writing process.
29:00 – Self-care for creatives: movement as a reset button and/or trigger for creativity
35:00 – Reverse engineering what you do well to discover what to teach others.
40:00 – Closing remarks and where to find Hillary online.